About Me

My photo
My name is Donna Marsh and I currently work as a Registered Mental Health Nurse in a Prison working mainly with young offenders with mental health problems. I have worked with young people for the past 7 years and find this client group very interesting. With the rise of knife and gun crime in England, I have many dealings with gang members and find it fascinating to find out why young people join gangs and engage in this kind of gang activity. Due to this, I have also been involved in the making of a DVD to raise awareness of knife crime in the UK in conjunction with the prison and a local school, this has been distributed to schools and Young Offenders Institutes across the country.


Introduction to my blog:

This web blog follows my journey from England to the United States, where I will be meeting people who work within Youth Justice, predominately those who work with gang members both inside and outside prison.

My journey

My journey


You can read more about me, the purpose of my trip, my story so far, what my plans are and what I hope to achieve in the supplementary sections below:

Sunday 29 August 2010

My safe return

I made it home safe and sound on Saturday afternoon to be met at the airport by my relieved parents. I was sooooo knackered after the 10 hour flight but in true Donna style I didn’t sit down, I unpacked straight away and headed for Tesco to pick up some essentials. I was so tired I didn’t even realise that I did not have my purse with me until I got there and had to drive home and get it! Food shopping done ,I came home and went through my suitcases; I had bought sooooo much back I had to buy some more coat hangers for my new clothes lol!! I then attempted to sleep on Saturday night but it just was not happening, I managed to get about 3 hours sleep and was up at 4.30 doing my exercises on the Wii Fit, then doing the hovering and pruning the hedges at 7.30 am. I bet the neighbours thought I was crazy; I was like a woman possessed!! Lol!!

Monday was a bit of a shock to the system going back to work, but I somehow managed to get up at 6am every day and do the Wii Fit before work, it paid off too I lost 3lb of holiday tummy!! This week has been abit of a blur though as I think I have been jet lagged through most of it but am just about getting myself sorted out and have received a letter from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust welcoming me home and asking me to draft a press release which I will be attempting to complete this week as well as emailing them my photos. I am also planning on sending my thank you letters out this week too to all of the people that made my trip such a success. I am so glad I have tomorrow off work to chill....

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